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SPIRIT team comprises 1 university, 3 research centers, and 1 SME to develop the next generation of energy storage devices, a solid-state Potassium-ion battery (TRL4) based on safe, sustainable, and cost-competitive anode, cathode, and novel polymer electrolyte materials.

Meet The Team

SPIRIT´s Principal Investigators

SPIRIT´s Reseach team


Prof. Jesús Prado Gonjal

Microwave synthesis specialist at UCM

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Dr. Daniel Jardón Alvarez

ssNMR expert at WIS

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Dr. Marianella Hernández

Polymer specialist at ICTP-CSIC

Prof. David Ávila Brande

Electron Microscopy specialist at UCM

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Dr. Raquel Verdejo

Polymer Physicist specialist at ICTP-CSIC

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Prof. Miguel A. López Manchado

Polymer Composite expert at ICTP-CSIC

SPIRIT´s PhD, Master and Undergraduate Students


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Former members

Soheila Ebrhimi visited Universidad Complutense de Madrid for a research stay under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Castillo-Martínez, optimizing the electrochemical performance of Prussian White cathodes. After her PhD viva in Iran she returned to continue exploring Prussian White as a post-doctoral researcher in 2023. She is now a postdoctoral researcher at IMDEA

Paloma Grande Fernández studied Chemistry at  Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She carried out her final year research project studying the intercalation of alkali metal ions in metal-organic frameworks.


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Aditya Khadilkar is a Mechanical Engineer and is currently studying Master's in Energy Science and Technology at the University of Ulm. He is also working as a student Research assistant at Helmholtz Institut Ulm (HIU). He is currently in the last year of his degree, and his final project is related to the study of the characterization of hard carbon for anodes from Biowaste precursor for Potassium batteries.”

Angela Tejero got her chemistry degree in 2023. She studied the master in Chemical Science and Technology at Univ. Complutense. She did her master thesis under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Castillo Martínez and Dr. Jesús Prado Gonjal to develop manganesse oxides produced through mild synthesis conditions for energy applications.


Pouria Nazari has majored in Materials Science and Engineering for both his Bachelor's and Master's in Metals Extraction specialization. His Scientific path in the field of batteries began with his master's thesis which he worked on recycling Li-ion batteries and recovering its graphite. He spent a few months at KIT-HIU under the supervision of Dr. Maider Zarrabeitia by working on Hard carbon for Potassium-ion batteries

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Michele Jaramillo-Trujillo completed her Chemistry degree at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She undertook her final year research project in the developement of sustainable anode materials for potassium ion batteries.

Positions available

We are always open to hosting enthusiastic students to join one of our research laboratories and supporting them in applying for PhD scholarships.

Moreover there might be some open positions now if listed below:

Partner Institutions

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EU Funding Agencies

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